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4 Tips To Keep Kids Safe Around the Garage Door

More time will be spent outdoors over the coming months as the warm weather draws kids outside to play in the yard and driveway. Luckily, June is recognized as garage door safety month nationwide. It’s the perfect time to discuss the dangers of the garage door with your family.

Whether you’ve just installed your first garage door or had one on your Raleigh-Durham home for years, it’s important to set some ground rules for your family about playing near these heavy doors. As your neighbor and garage door partner in the Raleigh community, we’re happy to provide the resources you need to protect your family.

Here are our top four safety tips.

Safety Tip #1: Keep fingers away from moving parts.

Garage doors feature heavy machinery and certain parts of your garage door should never be handled. Be sure your children know that when the tracks, rollers, and cables are in motion they should never be touched. These sections can pinch fingers if they are near the garage door when opening or closing.

Safety Tip #2: Don’t throw objects around the garage door.

Ask your children to pause their games when the garage door is in motion. Stray balls and other objects can get caught, causing the garage door hardware to break or malfunction.

Safety Tip #3: Check your garage door sensors.

Ideally, garage door sensors should ensure that a garage door stops or reverses if an object is in the way. This prevents toys and even bumpers from being crushed by a closing door.

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Check your sensors regularly to make sure they are functioning correctly. The safety eye beams should be properly aligned and they should have solid led lights on each sensor. If the eye beams are not aligned or if they have a flashing light they need to be secured or repaired.

Safety Tip #4: Exit carefully every time.

Children should never try to run under the garage door as it is closing. The exit usually doesn’t go according to plan and many people have fallen or sustained injuries. If you would like to close the garage door from the exterior, a keypad can be added to the outside of your home. Once the correct code has been entered, the garage door can safely close.

We’re proud to help our neighbors in Raleigh, Durham, and Wilmington keep their homes and families safe. If you have a question about your garage door or if something seems off, give us a call at 919-841-0030.

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