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The Most Experienced Garage Door Service in Raleigh-Durham

Garage Door Specialist has been repairing garage doors in Raleigh-Durham and the surrounding cities since the beginning of the decade – 2002! Our technicians are experts, with the majority having worked here over 10 years. We point that out because we have seen a rash of failed repair work by unqualified people lately.

The Most Experienced Garage Door Service in Raleigh-Durham - gdspecsprings2-300x225We recently went to a customers home that had not one but two companies there before us.
The prior companies had actually did much more harm than good. The tracks were actually bent, and the torsion shaft had holes in it, which is something even we have never seen before. It is unfortunate this customer had to deal with this. We went to work and completely repaired the door and installed a new motor. The customer could not believe the short amount of time it took for the repair in comparison to the hours they said the other people had been there.

This is certainly not the first time we have heard this comment. We often hear how precise and knowledgeable our technicians are.

The Most Experienced Garage Door Service in Raleigh-Durham - white-rollers-300x225Garage Door Specialist uses only the finest parts in the industry. Our springs are powder coated, made in the United States, and have a ten year warranty. Our rollers are neoprene, white, 13 point ball bearing rollers which are the quietest and highest quality rollers made. The hinges we use are 12 gauge steel. We have chosen Liftmaster as the motors we keep on our trucks because they are the top brand in the industry. The belts and motors have lifetime warranties. We install CHI garage doors they use only the finest materials made in the United States.

It is important to do research on the company you choose. We are happy to provide references from previous customers. We proudly service Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, and Wilmington. Give us a call at 919-388-9320 or contact us today and see how we can help!

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