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Maintaining Your Garage Door

Maintaining Your Garage Door - image1-300x169As the heaviest moving object in your home, it only makes sense to properly maintain it! We are happy to offer preventive maintenance services for times when something is truly wrong, but here are three tips that you can do yourself to make sure your garage door operates smoothly:

  • Lubricate the tracks at least once a year. A small amount of silicone spray can go a long way in preventing costly malfunctions and noisy usage. Check with your manufacturer’s documentation to ensure that you’re keeping the tracks lubed to the right level.
  • Test your door in manual mode. To ensure that the door is moving freely, it’s a good idea to periodically test the door in manual mode. Lower the garage door, then disconnect the door from the opener using either the release cord or the lever. The door should be easy to lift from this position. If it isn’t, this could be indicating an issue with the tension of the spring. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ADJUST THIS ON YOUR OWN! Call a professional to make this adjustment, as these springs are under high tension.
  • Lubricate the door seal surface. It is common for garage door seals to stick to the ground in cold weather, so we advise applying a small amount of petroleum jelly across the entire surface. This can help prevent ice from freezing the door shut and straining the motor.

Keep these tips in mind when checking your garage door, and you should get many years of good use out of it. If you do run into problems, however, you can always call the staff at Garage Door Specialist for fast, courteous service!

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