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Battery Backup Garage Door Operators – A Must Have

Battery Backup Garage Door Operators - A Must Have - full-battery-backup-and-long-panel-glass-300x225After every storm or power outage here in Raleigh – Durham we are reminded of the need for battery backup garage door operators. After another recent hurricane, Chapel Hill and Raleigh were especially affected by power outages for days. Days of power loss seems to really take its toll on homeowners opening and closing their doors manually. For some it is physically impossible.

Recently many Chapel Hill and Raleigh homeowners called us and need to be walked through disengaging or what seems to be more difficult for them is the reengaging of the motor to the door after a power outage. It was a bit difficult for some homeowners  To avoid this issue all together a battery backup garage door opener will now be a law in one state in the west.

One state has made it mandatory that after July of 2019 all new garage door openers installed must be fully functional with a battery backup system during a power outage. This law is due to the fact that during disasters or emergencies homeowners have become trapped with their cars in the garage unable to evacuate. It may seem ridiculous that they cannot simply pull the cord and open the garage door but some elderly or disabled homeowners cannot physically reach or disengage the garage door from the motor. Regular maintenance is still required to make sure the door still disengages properly from the motor and to check the balance of the garage door. Battery back ups do need to be checked for function annually as well. During the loss of power to the home the battery back up will lift and close the motor for at least 10 cycles. Once the power comes back on the battery recharges itself with the electricity.

Is a battery backup garage door operator right for your home?

-Do you often lose power and have to disconnect your garage door from your motor?

-Have you ever had the problem of a family member in your home not being able to get their car out of the garage during a power outage?

-Do you need a new garage door motor and want the convenience a battery backup garage door operator has to offer?

Give Garage Door Specialist a call and we can give you options and pricing on adding this upgrade to your home. 919-388-9320.

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